Sunday, July 5, 2009

A little bragging

My boy is oh so smart. This morning while I was changing his diaper he said, "daddy working". Then I said, "that's right, daddy's at work". Then he said, "Mimi also working". That is his aunt and she was indeed working today! He is also starting to understand the concepts of later and after and attempts to bargain by requesting that he do something "after". Example: "Cake"! "you cannot have cake, you haven't eaten dinner". Cake after dinner"? "We'll see".

Friday, July 3, 2009


I do not feel supported in my decision to homeschool. Everytime I bring it up in front of most people, I get a face. It's not like I'm going to raise my children to be Nazi sympathizers. I just want control over how my children are educated. I will not keep them from other children, I fully intend for them to participate in sports and music programs. What's the big deal?

Sunday, June 7, 2009


The toddler is a little master of disaster lately. Yesterday he got his little fingers closed in the door, today he banged his mouth drinking water (don't ask), then he skinned his knees (again), then he skinned his elbow, followed by falling backward in a chair and bonking his head. I can't turn around for a second or he's climbed up to the breakfast bar or is standing on the railing, argh. Poor little guy, but I can't keep a bandaid on him and he NEVER forgets an injury.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

I think I may have found it

As you may know, we have been thinking, quite seriously, about finally buying our first home. There are a great deal of hurdles in our way: not having the full 20%, housing prices being out of this world expensive, my hating this area with a passion, etc. I also want to be as close to my parents as possible and have the husband's communte be something managable. We took a road trip on Sunday to a town called Warrenton and I am completely and utterly in love. This town has everything that I am looking for: It is NOT repeat NOT considered northern Virginia, it has great small town appeal, but also has grocery stores and a Walmart (I know I'm a sellout, but their prices are great), beautiful scenery, many outdoor activities very close by. It seems like an absolutely wonderful place to raise a family. The only problem that I have is that it is 45 minutes away from my parents and about a 45 min-an hour commute for hubsters. We will still probably have to buy a foreclosure, but it will be a foreclosure with an acre of land. What to do, what to do?

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Surprise: A strong gag reflex is hereditary!

The toddler woke up with a fever this morning. I wasn't too concerned, but it did get a little high (103!) around lunchtime so I called the Dr. for a same day. By the time we went to the appointment his fever was down a degree and a half but he was very lethargic (which is so not him). His ears and throat looked okay but the Dr. checked for strep just in case. He did not like that one bit and started gagging. A few seconds later I'm catching puke in my hands. It's okay because I had my hands out like little bowls, so I was saying, "here are two bowls son, throw up in these". But anyway, the Dr. just kind of stares for a minute, beacause an adult amount of stomach content came out. She finally grabbed one of those bowls, but it was really too late for that. My poor baby was really upset by this time and we were both soaked in it. Did I mention that all he had eaten/drank that day was milk. Oh yeah, picture the stench. WE had to wait for the results of the strep test (only 10 minutes, did I mention that I LOVE his new pediatrician), so we had to sit in our our stink with him screaming his head off waiting for the results. I was sitting in a chair with him in my lap and he kept wanting to switch chairs. So I would sit in one chair and get him settled and then he would point to another chair and say, "lap". The prognosis is good, general baby sickness. They seemed kind of taken aback that I hadn't given him and motrin or tylenol until this point and told me to give him some until the fever broke. So, he's napping now, hopefully he wakes up feeling a little better. My poor little guy, I hate it when he's not feeling good.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Oh, the excitment

The toddler locked himself in the bathroom yesterday afternoon. Once I realized what happened I ran to grab a q-tip to shove into the knob and, oh right it isn't that type of lock. Fighting the urge to kick the door open, and accidentally knock the boy unconcious, I ran for the tool box. As I was unscrewing the knob from the door and fighting the urge to call the fire department, the toddler was gragging the knob and crying to get out. After just a few minutes I was able to remove the knob and get into the bathroom to retrieve my near hysterical little man. The fun never stops when you have a very curious toddler!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

The time has come, the walrus said

I've finally weaned the baby. Today was the first day of no nursing and I am incredibly sad. I know that it's silly, the baby isn't a baby at all anymore, he's nearly 18 months. Still, it was the one thing that I could do for him that no one else could, I feel a huge sense of loss here. The baby didn't seem to mind too much, I guess it was time. My body was telling me the same thing, by almost completely cutting off my milk production. Okay body, I got it, happy now?